some people live the so-called fabulous life
they go clubbing every night
they meet lots of new people
they are good at drinking, perhaps dancing too
they have a long friend list
they know the latest trend
they have Gucci bags
they wear Manolo Blahniks
they talk big
they do their hair twice a month
they use the most expensive make-ups
they feel lonely before they go to bed
they don't remember the names of those people they meet
they suffer from hangover every morning and still have to go to work
they don't have a friend to talk to when they feel bad
they don't know what's their own style
they only follows what everyone says is good
they see their feet grow odd but still wear heels
they are not sure what they're talking about
they find themselves bankrupt in the end of the month
they see the shadows under their eyes after cleaning their faces
they don't know what they're doing
- Nov 18 Sun 2007 21:38
some people...