sean's nephew has been growing!!!!
he's so cute and soooooo HOT now haha!
it has been a long day
first we went to the airport to be clients of high-classed singapore airlines
we got our own entertainment system
and we got haagen-daaz vanilla ice cream for dessert!!!!
and all of these, only costed us NT$6000
the cheapest ever!
things started to be harsh since we landed
we got to find the bus station to take bus #858 to woodlands terminal
the bus station was so stuffy and hot
and some weird o-ba-sang accosted us and asked us some weird question in singlish that i didn't know a word
anyway, the worst was the bus #858
it was so crowded like crazy!!!!
smelly indian people, crying baby, rude o-ba-sang again... gosh
and then, after about an hour, AN HOUR!!!
we finally arrived woodlands interchange
our journey wasn't done yet
we still had to find berth 12 and take bus #912 to sean's place
we stepped out of the boeing airplane at about 6:30pm
and we finish our long long long journey at 9pm
long day eh?
we had hainan chicken rice and milo dinoso for dinner
yum yum yum!
and now i really have to go to bed
or i'll be late for GRE tomorrow
nite nite guys =)
- May 17 Thu 2007 00:30
cool, we're at sean's place again!